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Rae-Anne has worked in the workplace relations sector for close to 20 years. Rae-Anne has been a Director of WorkSight since its inception in 1996.
Rae-Anne’s career has involved both working with Australian organisations and internationally for organisations such as the International Labour Organisation
in Geneva where she has provided internal and external consultancy services. Rae-Anne has qualifications in industrial relations and human resource management and has
undertaken training in mediation and workplace investigations. Rae-Anne’s most recent work has focussed on tailoring enterprise bargaining agreements for clients,
working with clients to enhance their performance management systems as well as assisting with restructuring of their organisations.
- Bachelor of Business (University of Technology, Sydney)
- Master of Business (University of Technology, Sydney)
- Certificate IV, Workplace Assessment and Training
- Diploma of Dental Therapy (Westmead College of Dental Therapy)
- Australian Mediation Registered Mediator
Professional Affiliations
- Associate Member Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators, Australia
- Member Australian Human Resources Institute
Areas of Expertise
Rae-Anne’s areas of expertise include:
- Development of workplace agreements
- Award and agreement interpretation and advice
- Resolving workplace conflict
- Workplace mediation
- Remuneration and human resources surveys
- Training and development
- Conducting Competency/vocational training audits
- Pay equity
Rae-Anne’s recent work has been in the following sectors:
- Post-secondary education sectors
- Group training sector
- Not for profit sector
- Social and community services sector
- Small and medium business
- Finance sector
Recent work carried out:
- Advising employers about employment obligations and interpreting awards
- Assisting employers develop organisation specific workplace agreements
- Training employees in award interpretation and basic employment law
- Assisting organisations with organisational restructures
- Classifying positions and developing remuneration policy
- Carrying out organisational and staffing reviews
- Developing recruitment and retention strategies
- Training businesses in staffing matters
- Investigating employee grievances